Trina’s TT story – Thyroidectomy due to Autoimmune Issues

We have a fantastic positive post thyroidectomy due to autoimmune issues story today from Trina!!
Thank you, Trina, for sharing your story!!

  • What was the reason for your thyroidectomy? Chronic signs and symptoms that were autoimmune in nature even though all the possible autoimmune disorders ruled out. Plus, thyroid changes on a repeat ultrasound.
  • What age were you when your thyroid was removed? 43—- I am 1 month post-operation.
  • What is your gender? Female

and most importantly of all, here is her positive post thyroidectomy story!

I had dealt with hypothyroidism since 2010 and was on medication for it prior to ever having surgery. However, I continued to be more and more symptomatic. Being a Registered Nurse, I was able to discuss my issues with my primary care physician in great detail and she sent to me to an Endocrine Surgeon. This was ideal because she had the medical experience of an endocrinologist. Based on my history, ultrasound, presenting signs and symptoms she stated that surgery was an acceptable path to take but if I wanted to wait 6 months and get another ultrasound, I could. We discussed everything in detail as well. I made my decision then and there to take it out. After surgery, the surgeon indicated though my blood work never suggested Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis it was obvious my thyroid was inflamed. She said that it could be a form of thyroiditis that has not been discovered yet. My pathology report came back negative for cancer.

I am one month post-op from a Total Thyroidectomy (TT) and I feel wonderful. My long list of symptoms are almost gone. I am warm for the first time, my hands especially, my hair is not falling out like it was, my nails are growing and look healthy, I sleep better, feeling flu like is gone, and puffiness is gone. Best of all the fatigue is gone! I still have some issues left but they will resolve in time. I have not gained any additional weight since surgery.

Many of the forums can sound like doom and gloom that might make you want to back out. Please, do NOT make your decision based on these forums. You have to look at your individual issue and how it is affecting your life. Those who have a TT for hyperthyroidism most likely will experience weight gain after surgery because they have went from a super charged metabolism to all new low metabolism.

Go into your post-op care educated from reputable sources. You have to be mindful of what your body is telling you. It is also important that you educate yourself on your medication. Understand the prescription (Brand name vs Generic) itself and how to take it. You need to avoid doing things that interfere with the drug absorption to get the optimal benefit from your medication. I am hopeful that I will continue to improve every day.

I do not regret having surgery for one second.


Filed under AutoImmune

7 Responses to Trina’s TT story – Thyroidectomy due to Autoimmune Issues

  1. Tona

    Thank you for your positive stories.
    I have been worried with all the negative stories on the web
    I am seeing the surgeon in a couple of days.
    I have been suffering with many symptoms for
    Over 7 years now. And just found out i have tested
    Positive for hashimotos , and some how have both hypo and hyper
    Thyroid ism. With 12-15 nodules. Some hot some not.
    Today i am being treated for hyper..
    I miss my old self and look forward to finding her

    • Hi Tona,
      It’s good you have found out you have Hashimoto’s!! By getting a thryoidectomy, your body won’t be producing antibodies anymore to attack your thyroid. Please let us know how everything goes for you!

  2. Dee

    Trina, your story may be positive now but just wait a few months and see if you still feel the same. My story was similar to yours, after my surgery I felt great. However after that first month it went downhill fast. Please come back in a few months and tell us how you feel. While I hope you still feel they same, somehow I doubt you will.

  3. Trina

    Hello, per request for a follow up I am happy to report that my thyroidectomy after 5 months is still the sucess with no regrets that I described in my inital post. I have even been able to drop 24 lbs with diet and exercise. I monitor my symptoms with each adjustment of dose- I am now on 137 mcg of Synthroid a day. I do have days I feel a little off but few and far between. Those days usually signal level is off, maybe I ate food (or ate too soon) that interfered with med asportion. Not one day post-op has been near as bad as any “good” day pre-op. I felt like I had the flu all the time (1 of many symptoms) before surgery. Nothing will ever replace the true natural state of having a normal functioning thyroid gland. I knew that going in and I’m learning how to live without a thyroid as best I can. One big help in my sucess is my doctor listens to me and we discuss care.

    • YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!! Thank you for the update. This is fantastic.

      I will also add that part of my own success is the same as Trina’s – having an amazing doctor that listens to me, and isn’t just about the ‘numbers’, but about how I FEEL.

  4. Michelle

    I am almost 2 months post-thyriodectomy, due to hashimoto’s and a very large nodule. I am experiencing a very severe depression. The fatigue and many other symptoms are completely overwhelming. I go for more blood work the first week of December. That seems so long from now to keep enduring this. I know that once they get the meds right I wont be so bad off. But how do i survive in the meantime?

    • Hi Michelle,
      Please, please please call your doctor asap. Are you seeing an endocrinologist? When is the last time you had your blood levels checked?
      I know the emotions are strong but try to focus on the knowledge that the depression is due to a chemical imbalance. PLEASE call your doctor and demand a blood test now and/or an increase in medication NOW and then get your levels checked during that first week of December.

      Are you on just synthroid? Did you suffer from depression before your thyroidectomy?

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