My Two Year Check In

So it’s been almost two years now. Got my cancer marker blood results back the other week and the doctor said they looked great, albeit iron and Vitamin D deficient. As my Dad says, who isn’t deficient in those?

My thyroid hormone levels are also super high but as my poor endocrinologist has found out, if we drop them I turn into a crazy, suicidal, depressed wacko. So between my high meds and my low carb diet, I’m doing pretty well mentally.

Got the ultrasound yesterday. Now, it’s not as bad as needles but I am still sensitive about things being near my neck, and a half hour (or was it a billion hours?) of lying on my back with someone pressing hard against my neck was pretty rough. The technician let me have several breather breaks to get through it.

Doctor gets back to me and says my ultrasound results are “reassuring”. REASSURING? WHAT?? Sigh. Oh well, better than NOT reassuring, right? I asked for some more information on what ‘reassuring’ means, but I feel pretty ‘reassured’ between the ultrasound and the blood results.

Yeah, two years in, three more years of check ups to go!

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Filed under Thyroid Cancer

One Response to My Two Year Check In

  1. Emma Holberry

    Hey there,
    Found your blog very interesting, I was diagnosed with Follicular Thyroid Cancer in November 2011, currently having 6 month check ups. I must admit, I didn’t realise just what the Thyroid does, every day feels like a battle to find my get up and go!! so it’s great to read that I am not alone. I’m a single parent, so if I didn’t have my son to get up for I’d quite easily stay in bed all day. The taboo subject of cancer is not discussed with in my family and I find this difficult at times, as I need to talk about it and how I’m feeling!! anyway, thank you for listening! like you 2 years in…..

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